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Office in Calle De Orfila

Calle De Orfila, Madrid, Spain

Host: Luis

4 months of experience

Nuestro espacio multifuncional en Madrid es el lugar ideal para tu pop-up, evento especial o cualquier tipo de colaboración. Diseñado con una estética industrial y recién acondicionado, este local ofrece una oportunidad única para marcas y productos colaboradores. Ubicado en una calle tranquila llena de galerías de arte, restaurantes y un hotel de cinco estrellas, nuestro espacio promete atraer a un público sofisticado y diverso. Adicionalmente, podemos ofrecer una serie de beneficios como: - Un evento de inauguración para dar a conocer tu marca. - La instalación de un escaparate atractivo para captar la atención de los transeúntes. - Personal en la tienda para atender a tus clientes y garantizar una experiencia excepcional. Además, el espacio cuenta con un almacén que podrás utilizar para gestionar tu inventario y baños a disposición tanto del personal como de los clientes. Estamos abiertos a negociar las condiciones, adaptándonos a las necesidades específicas de cada cliente. Ya sea para un día de pop-ups, eventos especiales o colaboraciones, nuestro espacio omnicanal y hybrid store en Madrid es la plataforma perfecta para dar vida a tus ideas.

What's in this space?

Neat and tidy workspaces



Ethernet connection

Air conditioning



Mail and package reception service

Can we help you?

Give us a call

Set up your booking

Book the following spaces

Space Hueco

Event rooms

Capacity for 1 person(s)

3.685 per month

Where am I going to work?

Calle De Orfila, Madrid, Spain.

Host: Luis

Registered on June 2024 in Hueco

Verified identity

Booking approval time: few hours

To protect your payments, never transfer money or communicate outside Hueco platform.

What you must know

Opening hours


09:00 - 20:00


09:00 - 20:00


09:00 - 20:00


09:00 - 20:00


09:00 - 20:00


08:00 - 20:00



How to make a booking

Find your space 100% online

With Hueco, on-site visits are forgotten. Our team verifies the location to provide video tours, floor plans and photos so you can visit it online. Our goal is to provide you all the information needed

Make your booking

With only a couple of details you can select the spaces that fit the most with your needs and make the booking. The space gets blocked for you until you get an answer.

Get an answer within less than 24 hours

The Host has 24 hours to answer your booking request. If accepted, you will acces the space and we will get you in contact with the host. If rejected, don't worry, our team will help you finding alternatives.

Arrange your arrival

Once your booking is accepted, agree with the host the details of your arrival day, the key handover, etc. Hueco will only transfer the payment corresponding to the first month after your arrival, unless you notify us any problem.

Contact us

Contact phone number:+34 938 818 409

Do you need help or have any questions? Write to us at

Upload your space

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